1 definition by bigblackjack028621

This person is beyond cool and is usually underestimated by many. she's kindhearted and she cares about people feelings more than her own feelings. Keep in mind, she's really secretive but if she thinks that you're trustworthy she'll open her heart to you. her past is tremendously unbelievable yet his future is unpredictable. She’s hated on by many but loved buy a small amount. She’s blind to his true love but when she realizes, it's gonna be too late.

She's good at hurting people without even knowing; really, really petty. But she's hilarious, she's nice to have as a friend. She loves working out and is attracted to boys that are smart, cute, sensitive and have their shit together.
Yo you so lucky man, you got a Khalis .
i know dude.
by bigblackjack028621 October 16, 2019
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