8 definitions by big guy

The act of assessing another's anus to find ether its value or rating for anal sex.
Guy1: whats Jamerlyus doing today
Guy2: hes paying Jack for another appranal he still thinks he could fit more than me.
by big guy January 27, 2017
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A number that represents a hermaphrodite in the form of a picture ( the 1 as the dick the 0 as the vagina )
Kid- what is that momy?
Mom- that "person" is a 10
by big guy April 18, 2015
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A jayden king is when you go into a truck stop and ask a trucker to jack you off in the bathroom. If he declines you ask the other truckers the same thing till one of them agrees to. When you are about to ejaculate you shit your pants. As he franticly trys to leave you stick your hand in your pants and smeer it on your face this will resalt in an intense orgasm.
Trucker "breacker breacker 1,9 someone just jayden kinged me again"
by big guy October 14, 2015
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pussy fart, the extra 'f' is for effect, example trufffffffffffffff... if you say it out loud then you will know.
when a chick pussy farts it sounds like trufffffffffff (silent and violent)
by big guy November 21, 2004
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phurghnt... a long exagerated fart sound... also used as a word to replace anything
phurghnt! this party sucks,... or, check out the ass on that chick, phurghnt! (just say it whenever)
by big guy November 21, 2004
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Nigger/nigga for white people. Comes from the French word blanc (white) as nigger comes from negro (black) in Spanish.

Pronunciation blânker or blonker
Black guy: whats up my blancer
Blancer: tf yo nigga ass just say ta me
Black guy: hay man I don't want a fight I'm not racist of white people I just thought it was funny to call you that when I asked you whats up
Blancer: git yo ass out here for I axe 911 to bring a body bag
by big guy July 11, 2018
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For a man to shake his dick after he pees to stop the dripping
little girl- dad what do you do after you pee
Dad-us men need to jiggle the john
by big guy June 16, 2015
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