3 definitions by big hotdog in bun guy

A step mom is a mom that your dad found on some dating site.A step mom is a creature that will wait until you are in a false sense of security,then start talking to you.After this the step mom will start gently rubbing your thigh then start pressuring you to have sex with her you do it and 9 months later your dad will be asking here whose baby is that.On rare occasion when the step mom wants anal sex she might produce Fucklematter
my step mom lured me into a closet and now her face is white.
by big hotdog in bun guy January 4, 2020
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Fucklematter is a girls poop after she had anal sex and some of the mans sperm was still inside her.Thus the sperm entered the poop making it alive and producing a poop that really wants to have sex. Fucklematter will sit in your toilet until your are asleep after it knows you are asleep the Fucklematter will crawl into your genitals, and impregnate you, If you are a guy the Fuckle matter with suck your dick until you ejaculate making the Fucklematter bigger and able to fuck more people
last night my girlfriends Fucklematter had sex with me then it fucked our neighbors.
by big hotdog in bun guy December 23, 2019
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shit that climb out of the toilet and fucks you making you pregnant
by big hotdog in bun guy December 23, 2019
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