4 definitions by bibi 487

a greeting. instead of saying 'hi, hello, how are you?' you say 'wut de fukk?'

see also:
how u doin?
-Wut de fukk?
-Wut de fukk, you?
by bibi 487 February 29, 2004
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Something you DO NOT want on your nuts.

-see also Dr. Octagon
Mom, i can't was the dishes i have moosebumps.
by bibi 487 February 29, 2004
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a greeting, "how are you doing?"
people from the best coast talk like this.
-how u doin?
-no, how U doin?
by bibi 487 February 29, 2004
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one of the 1st graffiti taggers in the brizzonx NYC! was greek.
Older than OLD SKOOL, Taki 183.
by bibi 487 February 29, 2004
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