2 definitions by beautifulworld17

Gives off, "I'm only here for the food" vibes but will share that food with you. Her style is so swaggy and she is one of the funniest people that you will ever meet. She is always there for her friends but doesn't value herself like she should. Gay as hell, but actually bisexual. She will always stand up for what she believes in, even if it makes other people mad. She is never scared to hear your opinion of her because she won't let it change her. She is loved by everyone and immediately stand out whenever she enters a room. The best friend you could ever have.❤
Person 1: Did you see Billie Eilish's wife?
Person 2: Who?
Person 1: Zoe.
Person 2: Oh, you mean Johnny Depp's wife!
by beautifulworld17 November 7, 2021
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An Alli is one of the most amazing friends you will ever have. Even if you don't have an Alli as a friend, she will talk to you to brighten up your day. Shell isn't afraid to defend her friends or even someone that she doesn't know. She has the most beautiful smile. She may seem very confident on the surface, but she really isn't as confident as she seems. She sometime doubts herself. She thinks she is socially awkward, but only in certain cases. She is a dreamer, and is almost always wishing to escape reality. She looks forward to the future and she is always up for an adventure. She is a bright ray of sunshine and one of the biggest goofballs that you will ever meet. She isn't scared to apologize when she is in the wrong, but if someone does her wrong, she isn't quick but isn't slow to let them go. She believes in second chances, depending on the circumstances. She wants things to go her way, but when they don't she can get pretty upset. But she soon realizes that if it's meant to be, then it will be. She supports her friends no matter what, and she will always be there for anyone who needs her. If you are ever lucky enough to have an Alli in your life, love and cherish her, and never let go.
Person 1: Did you just see Alli?

Person 2: How could I not? She's so beautiful!
by beautifulworld17 April 13, 2019
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