2 definitions by beansoup

1. A large, 4-legged, vaguely horse-like mammal that goes, "NEE-HAW!".
2. A person of foolish or idiotic character.
3. The single dumbest show ever aired on television, produced by the single dumbest television network in existance, and embraced by the most worthless wastes of skin to ever live.
4. A film franchise based upon said show.
5. Kanye West. President Obama affirmed this.
*chuckle*, "He's a jackass."
by beansoup October 28, 2009
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an extreme variation of the "coinslot", where a girl's pants ride so low that the amount of ass crack showing more closely resembles something into which one would jam a debit card.
Check out that skank's cardslot! Hey! Turn around, bitch! I need to make a withdrawal!
by beansoup July 31, 2011
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