2 definitions by bananasplir1234

A tall, funny, smart beautiful and outgoing person who is probably not the most athletic person you will get to know. She has a love for animals and other human beings. If you walk over her she will crush you and probably never talk to you again. But she is a believer of second chances. even third if she belives highly of you. She can be weird at ways and random but is still always trying to be the best for everyone. She wants people to happy and sometimes lets that get in the way of herself.
Person 1: Have you seen that girl?
Person 2: Yeah, she must be a phee.
by bananasplir1234 December 3, 2016
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Person one: Oh my god have you seen her?

Person two: Omg yeah shes such a phedra
by bananasplir1234 December 3, 2016
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