2 definitions by averyss

to be thirsty but not thirsty enough to do anything about it
jimmy: bro, im thirsten, get me some drank
bobby: hold up bro, why don't you get drank
jimmy: i never said i was that thirsty
by averyss September 16, 2010
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An fool who believes all information found on Wikipedia is inaccurate and comes from an unreliable source.

Often when people get proved wrong be wikipedia facts they state it isn't reliable. By stating that you are also stating that you are a wikiot.
Joe "A racecar can beat a lamborghini"
Jack "NO, Lamborghinis are the fastest cars ever made"
Joe "NO, look at wikipedia"
Jack "Wikipedia isn't a reliable source"
Joe "You are a wikiot for saying that"
by averyss July 29, 2011
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