1 definition by autumnn223

Riliegh is a beautiful name for a beautiful girl. She’s funny, loving, nice, sweet, beautiful, and an amazing person overall. Not going to lie you would really want/need a Riliegh in your life. They will make your life better every time you see and talk to her. Having a Riliegh is like having a bestfriend you’ve known for a long time and hasn’t changed up on you. If you find a Riliegh, make sure to treat her with respect. If you give her your world she might give you hers.
Abby: Who is that over there in the red?
Shelby: That’s Riliegh , your ex girlfriend that tried to help you out
Hannah: Yeah it is, just so you know you’re missing out on someone very special
by autumnn223 July 15, 2018
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