2 definitions by aquaman153

"Irritus Quodlibet trolololicus" is a beast commonly found on the internet, that feeds on the negitive reaction of other people. the natural habitat of this creature is a image board called 4chan, where the troll will mate and feed. the troll is recognizable by the sound it makes after it has caught its prey; "TROLOLOLOLOLOL", thus, its name. the troll uses a complex system for comunicating that dumbfounds us mere mortals. this undecipherable and VASTLY intelligent language comprises of phrases such as:

ujelly?, umad? and "THE DRIVER KILLED KENEDY LOL". over usage of the word bro and variants such as bro-san are also common.
░░░░▄▄▄▄▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▄▄▄▄▄▄ohay bro, ima troll.
░░░░░░░░░░░░░░▀▄▄▄▄▄░░░░░█trololol for the win
by aquaman153 July 8, 2011
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a phrase meaning something to the effect of "you know that thing you where promised to be rewarded after you completed this task? well, it doesn't exist". could also be described as being trolled. the term was coined by the video game Portal in which your player would navigate through a labyrinth of tests while being driven to continue by the promise of cake. towards the end of the game, i becomes clear that there is in fact no cake and your efforts where in vain.
Employee 1: "I am soooo gonna get that raise man."
Employee 2: "Nah man, the cake is a lie"
Employee 1: "Well shit...."

guy: "omgz, awesome! if i complete these 4 offers from this pop-up, i can get a free ipod nano!!!1!"

prosecuting attorney: "we are finally going to put this person away!"
Jose Baez: "nope, the cake is a lie"
by aquaman153 July 9, 2011
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