2 definitions by anonymous {89}

She is really good at tennis. Deals with a tormenting younger sibling every day, while watching more tennis. She has a lot of friends and always thinks about tennis. Very nosy and plays a lot of tennis? Sorry, did I mention tennis already? Also, she's easy to talk to and is a good friend!
Have you heard about that girl who plays a lot of tennis?
Yeah, that's Pragnya.
by anonymous {89} July 7, 2022
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He's an introvert who loves video games, but he's a fucking badass. Really gullible and doesn't speak to many of his friends, although people call him "smart", though that's a stretch. He makes VERY funny jokes, right? RIGHT?
Wow! I wanna be friends with Nish some day! He seems like a very nice guy!
by anonymous {89} July 7, 2022
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