2 definitions by anhsujam

A person who sees through this world easily, as if he was from a superior planet (Mars - as a first thought). Some, "advanced" Martians can even get to the point to read people's thoughts. They are known to be getting on well with Jupitarians, as both species have the same view on all brain functions among humans.
Martian bass player (more popular as "del bosque")
by anhsujam September 17, 2006
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A female person who sees through this world easily, as if she was from a superior planet (Jupiter - as a first thought). Some, "advanced" Jupietrians can even get to the point to read people's thoughts. They are known to be getting on well with Martians, as both species have the same view on all brain functions among humans.
Jupitarian Composer/Harpsichordist Maja Mitrovic.
by anhsujam September 17, 2006
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