3 definitions by andrew king of tongue

the regret felt after after realizing u forgot sumtihn important, usually an anniversary or birthday. followed by the feeling of having ur balls shat on by ur significant other
liam: i am in deep forgret
andrew: y u hairy hairy person?
liam: cos i forgot me nd von's anniversary now she's bustin my balls
by andrew king of tongue August 6, 2006
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wen sumthing doesnt really go your way due to bad luck either said:
1)in sharing one's dissapointment
2) reveliing in one's dissapointment
1)random #1: i just got a caught by sops in woi woi dude. FUCKIN WOI WOI!!
random #2: devo man, devo

2) ugly guy: that chick just slapped me cos she thought i grabbed her ass
me: haha DEVO, suck balls ugly guy
by andrew king of tongue August 6, 2006
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whilst receiveing a head job, the inbred chick that is working on ur cock bites it, in some feeble-brained attempt that is nice. IT IS NOT
andrew:i was gettin head off michelle last nite nd she gave me the lovers bite.

michael: OUCH!!!

andrew: i have the scars to prove it
by andrew king of tongue July 27, 2006
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