2 definitions by analcreativity420

The Philadelphia Windmill is when a man and a woman have anal until the woman leaves her droppings upon the mans penis leading to the man slapping the woman in the face with his shit dick in a windmill motion
little Mary- "aunt Beth, why is your face all bruised up and covered and shit, and you are walking like daddy when he got out of prison"

Aunt Beth- "well honey, me and your favorite uncle just did the Philadelphia Windmill, you will know what I am talking about when you are about 16 or 17"
by analcreativity420 September 16, 2010
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A penguin raccoon that eats its own excrement and then re-eats said excrement to produce only the most raunchtastic shits. Also throws down in the assholes of animals of all size and children 14 and younger, and the expects his friends to back him up in court
Jello - Hey bruh, we still going camping this weekend?

Dirty Girl Dan - Nah bro, supposivly the palgis just came out of hybernation, the families wouldn't be safe

Look at that dude throttling that was goats asshole, what a palgi
by analcreativity420 August 17, 2017
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