1 definition by alsonotmypseudonym

Adjective: A piece of code, game, or movie that stimulates a fanatical monologue on the near mystical wonders of recursion, all but guaranteeing a state of celibacy for a minimum of 10 years.
1. Did you see Inception? It's like totally recursomasturbatory: a dream, within a dream - within yet another dream!
2. You read Godel Escher Bach. Bach's self-referential music is genius! You'll never stop recursomasturbating!
3. The problem with Being John Malkovich is there's no base case! When John goes into his own head there are more Malkivii!! It's Malkovich all the way down! Way too recursomasturbatory.
by alsonotmypseudonym September 24, 2013
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