14 definitions by alperthereal

a: hey, have you been to the unl's website?
b: yea, they have changed their interface.
by alperthereal February 11, 2004
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french expression that is rather famous in english and other languages.

it means "it is the life."

can also be trasnlated into english as:
- "that's life"
- "oh well, shit happens"
a: man! i can't believe we lost by 18 goals!
b: get over it! c'est la vie!
by alperthereal February 10, 2004
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a: what the heck is megook?
b: umm, that's what koreans call americans.
by alperthereal February 10, 2004
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abbreviation standing for end-user license agreement.

it is a legal contract between the user and the author of a software. eula describes all the details regarding how the software could be used.
two friends installing windows xp...

a: woah, man, wait, why did you click next? you didn't even read it?
b: ah, come on! it was the eula crap. who reads them anyway?!
by alperthereal February 11, 2004
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abbreviation standing for supreme headquarters allied powers europe.

shape is the headquarters of the nato military organization. it is located near a small city named mons, belgium.

the name not only refers the military compound but the housing area where the employees reside.
a: i didn't know there was a highschool in shape?
b: no? of course there is! they are the shape spartans! their cross country team kicks ass!
by alperthereal February 11, 2004
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the best online computer shop! they not only offer a huge variety of goods -- including even the crappy apple stuff -- but also an excellent service!

best quality!
best prices!
best shipping & handling!

what else could one ask for from his/her computer shop?
a: man, you need to get yourself a new computer. this one you are using is like a freaking calculator!
b: hey, take it easy man, i am working on it. i ordered my motherboard and cpu from newegg.com the other day.
a: sweet!
by alperthereal February 10, 2004
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