4 definitions by alan steel

a piece of human feces so large that it does not even move when the toilet is flushed. in most cases requires removal with a small garden shovel. plungers are rendered useless in a case of a bowl choker.
this toilet is industrial and that bowl choker isn't moving!
by alan steel August 30, 2008
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the extra skin hanging under an overweight persons chin. multiple form is chunsi....
that chick is so fat look at her chuns!
by alan steel August 30, 2008
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a moustache that in trimmed leaving only a thin line of hair directly above the upper lip; thus giving the illusion that it is sliding off of ones lip.
look at ron's stupid slippery moustache.
by alan steel August 30, 2008
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the frizzy hair that sticks out sideways off of ones head, in front of the ear that cannot be tucked behind the ear.
im having a bad hair day.... look at these wingbats
by alan steel August 30, 2008
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