2 definitions by aka ♥

a high school student in 11th grade that is almost a senoir, and apparently thinks they have earned respect, even though in most cases havent. They think they should be respected because they are a junior, but have no reason to be respected. are usually hostile to lowerclassmen mostly out of jelousy, because they wish peole cared about them.
The junior girls at our school hate the freshmen.
by aka ♥ March 27, 2007
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a first-year high school student, that is more often than not looked down on because of their grade. Upperclassmen never give them the respect they deserve, even if they are just a big of a loser. they dont get the respect they deserve, and people will talk crap about them just because they are freshmen. Freshmen year matures people, and not all freshmen are stupid or immature, upperclassmen just assume that they are. (even though most of the time the freshmen rule the school, ha. stupid juniors)They are also refered to as the lowest of the low, and Fish. Too bad people actaully care about the freshmen and they are known to stick together as a class and stand up for each other, not half as bad as people make them out to be.
WOW that girl is hott for a freshman.
Everyone hates the freshmen at our school for no reason.
by aka ♥ March 27, 2007
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