1 definition by aistheace

Matilda is the most precious being to walk the planet. Her laugh is made of stars, and her smile shines as bright as venus in a clear sky. she radiates empathy and kindness. she’s gentle with your feelings, and holds a specific kind of attentiveness to you and the way you feel that makes you feel seen and heard and loved. she’s incredibly intelligent, and talking with her and being able to make her laugh is a truly unmatched experience. she is warm on the coldest nights, and is deep comfort and golden happiness. it’s an honor to be able to say the name Matilda and to be able to care for her. appreciate your Matilda like I appreciate mine.
“How are things with that girl?”
“Matilda? Bro I can’t even begging to explain how happy she makes me.”
by aistheace November 24, 2021
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