1 definition by achhh! [loves pie!]

A Jonny is a funny, self-conscious kid with moderate to good looks, and an extensive personality. A Jonny is usually smart and will make sure you know it.

He will usually make snide comments just because he knows he can. He's no one's best friend, but he's sometimes close.
Usually underappreciated, but still well-liked. Skinny, not very strong usually. Usually called gay by jocks and the like; untrue, a Jonny is straight.
Very opinionated, and loves easily.
Mark: Man, that shit was nasty. Probably dead rats in it.

Jonny: If there were dead rats in it, wouldn't you be poisoned? (laughingly)

Mark: Dude, shut up.

(random chick): haha.
by achhh! [loves pie!] April 13, 2009
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