1 definition by Zimbo99

Indian American

1. Someone from the country of India. Although from an immensly crowded native country, when given opportunities, blow people's minds.

2. Wealthiest minority in the USA (richer than caucasians)

3. One who dominates in medical sciences, as well as in engineering fields

4. Minority community with highest university education. 60% of them hold a graduate degree..

5. Someone who calls his country SECULAR, although over 90% are hindu

6. People who dominate the cricket fields n puzzles y Americans dont play Cricket..?? Likes football (soccer).. still wonders y its not popular in america...

7. Watches Bollywood , Tollywood movies a lot...

8. tries hard to date a white girl... n fails miserably....
Jessica : Hey where r u from

rahul : I am from India

Jessica : so u guys r called American Indian..??

Rahul : no we r Indian Americans or Asian Indians as per federal census..

American Indians r native Americans

Jessica: Ho.. is it..??

Rahul: yes... by the way would u like to go to Indian restaurant for dinner tonight..??

Jessica : HO.. thats gr8... but I hav to work on research paper... thank u though... sorry....

Rahul (failed again... i wil do some yoga now)....
by Zimbo99 May 28, 2009
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