1 definition by ZeroCODTrickshots

Philanthrocommunism, Philanthrocommunist,

Philanthrocommunism is a form of capitalistic communism that uses a form of credit that is used with how productive you are but either way, this is determined by original founder of Philanthrocommunism. it doesn’t hurt your reputation basically you don’t owe anyone anything but there is a limit to house much you buy depending on how to productive also in this type of socialism is for the government to help people that are homeless or poor basically your government will actually help their people no matter what situation they are in the job of the government is to help its people instead of just pushing them to the sidewalk to starve to death in this type of government death isn’t a game it’s something that shouldn’t be taken so seriously the government will help you survive and thrive and live as long as possible and this type of governments has the most democracy out of every country past future and present don’t think this anarchy there is still the law.

Founder: Zero, ZeroCODTrickshots Zero Darkson,
Writer: Zero, ZeroCODTrickshots, Zero Darkson,
You're a Philanthrocommunist, You Support Philanthrocommunism.
by ZeroCODTrickshots February 19, 2023
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