4 definitions by Zenus4KIng

A being who transcends everything, someone who is better and his name shall not be used in vain
Adam: hey do you know about xainax
John:you have no right to use his name
Adam: stop this
by Zenus4KIng December 12, 2022
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A fat mf who wont get up from his computer and has penguins in his name
Adam: hey do you see that guy over there
john: they call him gunter
adam: why
John: cuz all he does is eatpopcorn and say his power level is up when he just gained wight
adam: lets stay away from him
by Zenus4KIng December 13, 2022
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It's what you call a failed rapper who's career died before it even started
Adam: *raps*
John: dawg what was that you really are Zyittha
Adam: fuck is that
John: release that shit and you will find oud
by Zenus4KIng December 12, 2022
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A person who skulls everyone whether the message was funny or not
Adam: *skulls message by Zenus*
john: bro he isnt even funny stop being a skull whore
by Zenus4KIng December 12, 2022
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