9 definitions by Z. Tenao

Low quality individual. Basically, any person deemed to be of inferior intellect, common sense, social skills, etiquette, savoir faire, etc. Usage of the term would become appropriate following a demonstrable offense of the above (someone doing something tactless, tasteless, idiotic, or that which breaks either general or local unspoken rules of society).
1. Dave: "What's up with this douche pissing around in the left-hand lane? Move over, gramps!"

Bob: "What an l.q.i."

2. Anne: "I asked you to pick me up something from the liquor store, and you bring me Mad Dog 20/20?! Jesus H. Christ, you're an l.q.i., Phil."
by Z. Tenao December 6, 2011
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noun. Any substance used to facilitate an erection (e.g., Viagra).
Shit, it's my wife's birthday. Hope I still got some Chub-on in the medicine cabinet.
by Z. Tenao December 6, 2011
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