1 definition by YwouldItrickUagains

Someone who is a master of their own delusions to the point where they exist in the dual planes of true and false realities, often exhibiting extreme mood swings resulting from the conflicts of planar coexistence and living in an impenetrable state of constant denial. The delusionist often has a hard time interpreting non-verbal communication, and in some extreme cases, straight-forward verbal communication, when it contradicts their false reality. Along with their failure to take even the most obvious of hints, they often have a high opinion of themselves and are obsessed with keeping their ego over-inflated to compensate for their numerous inadequacies. In an effort to illustrate some degree of normalcy, and to offset his or her frequent visitations to the false reality when relating to a particular subject matter, the delusionist will have a tendency to point out and/or over-emphasize any incident or situation that is merely a mediocrity in the true reality.
He's been talking about that pipe-dream for years without making a bit of progress, yet with all the things he's presently juggling, he thinks he's gonna make that happen now? Wow! That boy there is a delusionist!
by YwouldItrickUagains June 20, 2011
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