2 definitions by YourLocalAnonymousPerson

International Shit Day:
(Noun) Yearly Event:
At 1.PM Universal Time 2nd December, we all take a shit together. Weather in public or personal bathroom, you must save your shit, then dump it every year.
International Shit day (2nd December)
Fred: Bro, I gotta take a shit
Erik: No wait. Save it for the 2nd of December.
Fred: You know what, you're right!
Erik: Tell your friends to save their shit as well.
by YourLocalAnonymousPerson November 24, 2019
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A theoretical schooling system that would exist in theory in a society with no government intervention, were those who have enough money will not pay for schools to teach their children, but as a regular occurrences pay certified teachers to immediately graduate their students scoring near 100% on to be proven smarter easily.
Demetrius: How do you think schools would work without governments?
Costa: I believe there may be a lot of school aborior.
by YourLocalAnonymousPerson February 22, 2021
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