1 definition by Your local resource.

BlackFishing is when someone who is not of Black culture, tries to tan themselves, paint themselves, take melanin pills or injections or basically finds any resource to bring a black skin tone upon themselves. This is something that’s majority of the time, done by European Woman and Man who are insecure about themselves, or sees the beauty of Black people and wants it. But doesn’t admit the beauty Black people have and tries to manipulate Black culture into thinking their ugly like society has done to Black people years ago. They also culture appropriate mimicking everything that is apart of Black culture even the hairstyles and textures. And by the way before you say it, some Black people do have naturally straight hair and hair that is naturally blonde,red, ginger whatever you may call it. Therefore wearing weaves and etc is not culture appropriating White culture. Also knowing how Black woman are shamed for our natural hair, even a law had to get passed in California that discrimination upon Black woman’s hair is no longer going to be tolerated. It shows why some happen to wear weaves, but other reasons include protective styles that are meant to protect Black woman hair. Not White man, Latina woman and etc hair. That is only breaking your hair, Everyone wants to be within Black culture but not deal with the real issues upon being Black. Also guys, wearing durags. Which was meant for Black kinky texture hair.
Did you see Emma’s picture in 2017, she was naturally pale. How did she end up a few shades darker than Beyoncé’s complexion for years? A natural tan does not turn you that dark. Hmm sounds like someone is obsessed with Black culture even her features and hair texture that’s brand new. She is totally BlackFishing! You know when White woman try to gain melanin and other Black features to appear Black when they are not.
by Your local resource. December 12, 2019
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