12 definitions by Young Sween

An absolute turn of events. Once classified as a Cowdrill, there is no turning back, whatever the locals tell you. Intense hatred and suffering befalls the Cowdrill.
1st Guy: I heard there was some sort of plague coming our way in the Summer....
2nd Guy: Yeah, I heard that as well, I really hope the government don't classify it as a Cowdrill...
1st Guy: Yeah, that would suck...
by Young Sween January 27, 2009
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When a'caning a bitch, proceed 'accidentally' slip your shaft thusly into ones anus. A phallic shift.
"Maaannnnnn, last night was so fucking funny, taking Janice from behind... I JUST HAD TO SKREEP HER!"
"Did she twitch like a crackhead?"
"Most definitely"
by Young Sween January 26, 2009
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1. Getting so much pussy it's unbelievable.
2. A way to describe any household task. Your personal preference in Snatch (pussy) will determine how you feel about the particular task.
1. "Dude, last night was absolutely Snatchtacular!"
"Lucky then?"
2. "I fucking love hoovering, it's Snatchtacular at this time in the morning"
by Young Sween January 26, 2009
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To describe something that has been done to a high degree.
"Dude, that girl is looking for as much free dick as Ten Bears"
by Young Sween January 26, 2009
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1. A derogatory term for a mentally retarded person.
2. Someone who likes to delve in the vagina area for extended periods.
1. "Look at that unfortunate Clunge Monkey in the wheelchair over there".
2. "That guys breath smells like fish... He's a definite Clunge Monkey".
by Young Sween January 26, 2009
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