1 definition by Young Philosopher

A name for both male and female. Rosario is predominantly a male's name in Italy, and a popular Hispanic female name(RO-ZAR-EE-O). A Rosario can be described as egotistic or self centered sometimes. A Rosario can also be very attractive. If it's a male, they're likely to get teased because they're name is most common for a female (if they don't live In Italy). Both male and female can be very talented and intelligent. Rosario's tend to be very comfortable with sexuality. It's likely that they're raised in large families, with the absence of a father. This gives a male Rosario a stronger sense of sensitivity, being raised by his mother. Because of what they go through, Rosario's are either distant from others or seek attention from family and friends. Overall, a Rosario is a sweet person, and tries to look at the positive side of every thing.
Did you meet the new kid today? They're such a Rosario
by Young Philosopher December 8, 2013
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