10 definitions by Young Enigma

1.To improve or replace old hardware with new hardware.

2.To get rid of a friend/significant other, for a much better one.
1.I upgraded my computer by putting in a much bigger hard drive.

2.Damn, did you see his new girlfriend, he's definitely upgraded.
by Young Enigma March 11, 2009
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V. The act of making you and your friends look blatantly homosexual, intentionally or unintenitionally, ala Spetacular from Pretty Ricky.
I was at this party last night, playing truth or dare, when this dude kissed his male friend on a dare, but then he started using tongue. he totally Spectaculared himself and his friend.
by Young Enigma June 23, 2009
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Adj. A word used to describe a television program or movie, so painfully boring to sit through, that it is comparable to an average PG-Era episode of WWE Raw.
Guy 1: dude did you watch The Wolfman?
Guy 2: Yes I did, I thought it was Rawful.
by Young Enigma February 24, 2010
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