11 definitions by Yoan

Where dooshy likes to be penetrated.
Oh yes, in the rectum!
by Yoan February 1, 2003
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A shake introduced to harlem thanks to yoan in the 60s.
Did ya see her dance? That was the harlem shake! HEIL YOAN!
by Yoan February 1, 2003
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A very funny infection that plagues dooshy and yoan.
I got a yeast infection argh kthxbye
by Yoan February 1, 2003
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Where one is ranked on the sexual ladder.
yoan is WAY out of my sexual position.. i need to find someone more in my league..
by Yoan February 1, 2003
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"see you"
by Yoan February 1, 2003
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A tool used to strip dicks with. See dick stripper
dooshy needs to buy a new stripper.
by Yoan February 1, 2003
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What yoan frequently indulges in.
yoan has been caught engaging in peadophilia once again.
by Yoan February 1, 2003
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