3 definitions by Yell0w Lem0n

Pronounced st-oop soop

A StoopSoup is the name for a person who is being a stoopid lil stoop soup.
You only have permission to call someone this when they have done something stupid.
Use this word wisely.
Friend 1: Aight dont kill me ye-
Friend 2: Oh-
Friend 1: You stoopid lil stoopsoup.
by Yell0w Lem0n April 10, 2020
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Pronounced st-oop soop

A StoopSoup is the name for a person who is being a stoopid lil stoop soup.
You only have permission to call someone this when they have done something stupid.
Use this word wisely.
Friend 1: Aight dont kill me ye-
Friend 2: Oh-
Friend 1: You stoopid lil stoopsoup.
by Yell0w Lem0n April 10, 2020
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Honestly the best person in the world, she's always there for you no matter what.

Most likely smarter than you but that's fine because she will help you with your work- OH YEAH SHE WONT BECAUSE SHE KEEPS PLAYING THAT STUPID DRAGON GAME. She's still super nice tho :)
Annd a bunch of boys have a crush on her. :
Boy 1: Hey whos that girl
Boy 2:Oh thats Kathryn
Boy 1: Oh shi- she cute tho
by Yell0w Lem0n April 10, 2020
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