2 definitions by Yeetus my fetus

Michael Rucker is a sweet boy and is really funny. He will be your one and only true love, and his hair drives your crazy. Michael's are really sexy but they don't talk about it. They are extremely cute and you will be over protective of him to make sure that nobody will take them away from you. If you have the chance to kiss Michael Rucker, well... don't do it because I will find you, that's my boyfriend and if you take him then that will be the last of you: ) but Michael are sweet and you should never let them go, I mean like why would you need to, you love the shit out of them
Serrana: if anybody takes (Michael Rucker) then I will be really sad
by Yeetus my fetus July 19, 2019
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When somebody wants their pussy/dick sucked, there m8 will say a Lil Later, but they mean the next time they see you ;)
Define:Random girl: Michael said I could suck his dick a Lil later

Michael: I hope she sucks my dick later,because I will be cumming all over the place
by Yeetus my fetus July 19, 2019
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