1 definition by YNWAMQUC

A social media sharing website that is so bad on user friendliness that you have to put yourself in some kind of mental prison just to survive. The only notable good thing about it is the ability to stay anonymous (and some decently good sub). And default reddit group moderators are the worst.

Steve Hoffman and Alexis Ohanian have turned this website into an incompetent mess of a circle-jerk cesspool.
Random redditor #1: Hey look at my account, I have more than 1 million karma points and more than 3 years of free premium membership!
Random redditor #2: What a Karma Whore!
Random redditor #1 fights with Random redditor #2.
Average internet user: See, this is why redditors are losers in life.
by YNWAMQUC May 13, 2019
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