1 definition by XxextremelyjiggywithitxX

A demeaning way to describe someone who looks scroungy or dirty; wearing tattered clothing, having messy hair, etc. Anything that makes you look disheveled, makes you a scroungemuffin.

It’s basically raggamuffin but using the word scrounge instead of ragga as the prefix. Except raggamuffin usually refers to children, where as scroungemuffin can refer to people who look poor of any age.
Person 1: “Cindy is such a scroungemuffin.”
Person 2: “I know, she looks like she hasn’t showered in weeks...”
Person 1: “I bet she shops at Goodwill.”

Cindy: “Hey I’m back, sorry I look like such a scroungemuffin.”
Cindy’s bf: “I think you look adorable all scroungy like that.”
by XxextremelyjiggywithitxX September 15, 2019
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