2 definitions by Xandria.g

A bone-like mass inside the vaginal cavity, usually 4-6 inches from the vaginal opening. It may be dull to sharp and is usually about a half inch in length. It can be a deterent to penis/vaginal intercourse.
"I was going to have sex with that girl until I found out she had a Pussy Tooth!"
by Xandria.g October 2, 2007
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Name of a penis with serious birthmark damage. Life-long stain, blemish, deformation of the male unit.
"Hey Spotted-cock, grab me a beer!"
"Lay that polka-dotted sausage in my stinky pussy, Spotted-cock."
"We called him Spotted-cock"
Spotted-cock played with himself to gay porn, multiple times a day, wishing he didn't have such a fucked unit
by Xandria.g January 10, 2013
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