1 definition by WrongTime

When a game is horribly balanced and the developers know it, but instead of creating proper workarounds for the hyper-dominant strategies the developers will create a single character or tool designed specifically to deal with these strategies. The result of this is every game being intensely one-sided as new strategies will be made specifically to tackle these new perks and characters, but nobody knows which side will win until the round starts.

Can be abbreviated as ‘DBD Syndrome’.

Some examples of games with Dead-By-Daylight Syndrome include (but are not limited to) Overwatch and Rainbow Six: Siege.
“God, these matches are so horribly balanced! Every match is a big game of Cat-And-Mouse as we try to counter each other’s counters!”

“Yeah, that game has really bad Dead-By-Daylight Syndrome.”
by WrongTime March 17, 2021
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