2 definitions by World Decay

Greenpeace is an independently funded organization that works to protect the environment. We challenge government and industry to halt harmful practices by negotiating solutions, conducting scientific research, introducing clean alternatives, carrying out peaceful acts of civil disobedience and educating and engaging the public.

Greenpeace seeks to:

Protect biodiversity in all its forms;

Prevent pollution of the earth’s oceans, land, air and fresh water;

End all nuclear threats;

Promote peace, global disarmament and non-violence.
Greenpeace will sue us if we keep dumping our toxic waste to the river ¬¬
by World Decay December 17, 2005
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Little potato sticks dipped in fatty oil, not made for human consumption.
I'm a fatass because I eat french fries
by World Decay December 17, 2005
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