1 definition by Wordplay the Smith

(Noun 1) Jib defines many features on the face. Usually, the jaw line.

(Noun 2) Jib refers to the lips, or mouth.

(Noun 3) Referring to jokes and slick remarks in general.

(Verb 1) To give someone shit or to joke around with them.
(noun 1) "I don't like the cut of his jib"

(noun 2) "Stop flapping your jibs, please. It's old already."

(noun 3) "Honestly, I don't know why he got so pissed off. The whole conversation was just jibs from the start, he took it too personally."

(verb 1) "Every time I light up a cigarette you jib me about how much it smells. I smoke, deal with it"
by Wordplay the Smith June 14, 2011
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