3 definitions by Word Authority

It currently refers to politically middle-line southern folk. Often have a strong right wing opinion on one issue, but otherwise are democratic. Historically--like waaaaay back-- the word was used for a party that was racist and sucked. Today, it is a person who is proud to be stereo-typically southern in every way, except they have pulled their head out of their ass and don't agree with full right wing agenda. Term maybe claimed proudly or used as an insult.
"I'm a Dixiecrat. I like democratic views but wanna keep my guns." "Don't be fooled. She likes fishin' and'll drink sweet tea all day, but if Michelle Obama ran for office - that girl'd vote for her. She's a Dixiecrat."
by Word Authority November 13, 2018
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It currently refers to politically middle-line southern folk. Often have a strong right wing opinion on one issue, but otherwise are democratic. Historically--like waaaaay back-- the word was used for a party that was racist and sucked. Today, it is a person who is proud to be stereo-typically southern in every way, except they have pulled their head out of their ass and don't agree with full right wing agenda. Term maybe claimed proudly or used as an insult.
"I'm a Dixiecrat. I like democratic views but wanna keep my guns." "Don't be fooled. She likes fishin' and'll drink sweet tea all day, but if Michelle Obama ran for office - that girl'd vote for her. She's a Dixiecrat."
by Word Authority November 12, 2018
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