2 definitions by Wizeman(not rly)

Fucking a girl 7 times in a row by diffrent guys.
A swarm of following NPCs in online games
A transportation vechile.
1:God I would love to train that girl
2:Hey lets train these super boss NPCs to the newbie areas and watch newbies die
3:Hey, lets go to airport by train
by Wizeman(not rly) June 24, 2006
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A dungeon in the mmo Anarchy Online,Temple Of Thee Winds, where players can train until they are level 60. The dungeon contains various rewards and items. And lots of cultists. Trains are a often sight there
Player: Lets go totw
Player2: Ok
Player: Ok, we got a full team now, we got a doctor, enfo,2 MAs and a Metaphysist and a Engineer, were uber,
Player4: OMFG!!! TRAIN!!! RUN
Player1: I died
Player4: I died
Player3: I made it- who was this asshole???
by Wizeman(not rly) June 20, 2006
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