3 definitions by Whitly

A problem that has been occurring on Nintendo consoles since the Gamecube. Simply put, Nintendo throws out a string of ideas and games in order to please everyone, then hits a road block partway through year two of a cycle and takes a break in order to develop new games.

Last time it happened, no one cared, as Nintendo was the underdog. This time, however, people are whining because Nintendo is at the top of its game. Regardless, the whining is absurd, as the drought usually ends with Nintendo releasing fresh games.

This time, also, the drought forced third-party developers to stop relying on Nintendo as a crutch and forced them to release some very good games during the fourth quarter of last year and the first of this year.
"Nintendo has abandoned us!"

"What's your problem? It's just a Nintendo Drought. They'll be back with new games soon!"

"Yeah! You didn't complain in 2003, why start now? You scared that Nintendo has two audiences to deal with now? You're so ungrateful! Why don't you just go back to shouting profanity at girls over Xbox Live and leave real gamers to appreciate what Nintendo is able to offer us!"
by Whitly March 25, 2009
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Humour with a bite or edge to it, often involving some form of thought or analysis to really get or understand. Often used to teach or inform, much like satire or subtle sarcasm.
"People often say that I'm not very funny. I am, I just use straight-laced humour. Life's too full of nonsense as is for me to crack a joke without some form of thought put into it..."
by Whitly January 17, 2012
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One who walks without shoes and socks in public. It usually can be identified by permanent dust on the person's soles.
I could tell that she was a barefooter, because her soles were covered in permanent dust.
by Whitly September 17, 2006
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