1 definition by Whatever_47

Pronunciation: \'twēt\
Function: verb; noun
Inflected Forms (verb/noun): tweeted; tweeting; tweets/ tweets
Etymology: From English tweet
Date: March of 2006, the foundation date of www.twitter.com

: to post a piece of writing under 140 characters in length on the well known website www.twitter.com; usually in a blog-like format that describes the state of being, situation, feelings, and/or random thoughts of the individual (Akin to a Facebook status)

: a single piece of writing one posts on www.twitter.com
<I really need to tweet about this experience on twitter!>
<God! I haven't been able to tweet all day because my computer is down!>
<“You can lead a celeb to twitter but you can't always make them tweet.” -Jonathan Ross>

<Come check out this tweet man. This is the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen in my life! Why would they post a tweet about this! Jeez...*shakes head*>

<I think I just tweeted the least important tweet ever!>
by Whatever_47 November 21, 2009
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