4 definitions by What the fuck did you just fuc

The girl who broke up with your friend for no reason
Harlie: were done
Freind: why
Harlie: idk
by What the fuck did you just fuc November 2, 2019
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The act of going through cardiac arrest and dying, much like how Bethesda games run
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Mɥǝu ɐ qɐqʎ qooɯǝɹ sɐʎs soɯǝ pnɯq sɥᴉʇ ɐup ʎon ɔɐu,ʇ ǝʌǝu qǝƃᴉu ʇo ǝxdlɐᴉu ʍɥʎ ɥǝ,s ʍɹouƃ qǝɔɐnsǝ ʇɥɐʇ ʍonlp qǝ pǝɔousʇɹnɔʇᴉuƃ pǝɔɐpǝs oɟ ɯᴉsᴉuɟoɹɯɐʇᴉou ɐup ᴉƃuoɹɐuɔǝ so ʎon ɾnsʇ qɹnsɥ ᴉʇ oɟɟ ɐup sɐʎ oʞɐʎ˙
qooɯǝɹ: ʞᴉps uoʍɐpɐʎs ɐɹǝ so ɐllǝɹƃᴉɔ qɐɔʞ ᴉu ɯʎ pɐʎ ʍǝ ɾnsʇ ɐʇǝ qǝǝs ɐup ʍᴉdǝp onɹ ɐssǝs ʍᴉʇɥ doᴉsou ᴉʌʎ˙

Nou-qooɯǝɹ: Oʞ qooɯǝɹ
The text is backwards and the description is upside down

Me: ko remoob
by What the fuck did you just fuc January 12, 2020
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