4 definitions by WesselVessel

When your travel plans get ruined by an airlines flight cancelations due to ineptness but they use weather as cover.
1. We were going to spend the holidays with our family, but we got Southwested and spent the holidays at home by ourselves. 2. We had a great anniversary trip planned, but we got Southwested, so we never went.
by WesselVessel December 30, 2022
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When your travel plans get ruined by an airlines flight cancelations due to ineptness but they use weather as cover.
1. We were going to spend the holidays with our family, but we got Southwested and spent the holidays at home by ourselves. 2. We had a great anniversary trip planned, but we got Southwested, so we never went.
by WesselVessel December 30, 2022
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When your travel plans get ruined by an airlines flight cancelations due to ineptness but they use weather as cover.
1. We were going to spend the holidays with our family, but we got Southwested and spent the holidays at home alone. 2. We had a great anniversary trip planned, but we got Southwested, so we never went.
by WesselVessel December 30, 2022
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When your travel plans get ruined by an airlines flight cancelations due to ineptness but they use weather as cover.
1. We were going to spend the holidays with our family, but we got Southwested and spent the holidays at home by ourselves. 2. We had a great anniversary trip planned, but we got Southwested, so we never went.
by WesselVessel December 30, 2022
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