1 definition by We see each other


1. A female, known by the scientific name, Squares Homo Sapien Nagusmaximus Stupid Bitch Cuntface, the Beverly gravitates to people that support their ideals, opinions, need for attention, feelings, etc. Rarely burdend by livelihood threatening challenges, or any experience other than what she reads, & assumes/wishes is factual from "credible" sources - the Beverly can almost always be found shopping, drinking, doing yoga, children's events, bitching over their $14 wine about equal pay, while sucking the will to live from their baby daddys.

For mating & breeding purposes the more attractive Beverly’s are typically protected, by louder, starvation resistant, & Betabitch-Beverlys police officers, & Melvins. Despite their laughable appearance, & size - staring at a single Beverly in a way they define as harmful may cause you to be labeled a misogynist racist, and lead to your arrest, rape charges!


1) An annoying, privileged but mindful, nobody, soccer mom, opinionated, irrational, (but well referenced), bitch of any bullshit ideological fixation.
Hey! Watch out for that pack of Beverly’s, If one of those stupid bitches sucks you in, you'll be paying child support, and sponsoring her Bumble hookups after a bad, but obviously imminent divorce bro... You should probably just choose to be gay and not reproduce them. It's better for life in the Cosmos in the end...
Beverly is such a great liar! She has everyone eating out of her hands!
by We see each other May 3, 2020
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