3 definitions by Wacchuwari

A list of people you had sex with. It usually contains precise descriptions of the sex encounter and, in some cases, sex relics, such as pubic hair or sex tapes.
"That chick wreck was totally worthy a +1 on my fuckchart!"
by Wacchuwari August 15, 2014
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A girl with no self esteem, ready to have sex on a first come first serve basis. Usually ugly, fat or disgusting, lives in bars and discos, attracting guys willing to release their load and claim an easy +1 on their fuckcharts.
"Hey did you see that half naked fatass sitting on the corner? I'd totally bang her!"
"Who? That chick wreck over there?"
"Yeah, she's definitely gonna be a +1 on my fuckchart"
by Wacchuwari August 15, 2014
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When you release an innocent fart, but it comes out with some crap, fucking up pretty much whatever you're up to
"Dude while waiting for Stella at the bar I have dropped a fart, but it came out dressed"
"So what did you do?"
"I went to the toilet and changed, it's not the first time I've dropped a dressed fart"
by Wacchuwari August 1, 2014
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