3 definitions by Vital Forces

studying for Jeopardy

Attempting to learn a broad amount of knowledge without a clear and focused goal. Derived from the idea of studying for the game show Jeopardy, a show were general knowledge and trivia questions from a large number of subjects are asked.
Trying to prepare for the AP English exam is like studying for Jeopardy.
by Vital Forces April 18, 2012
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plateau effect

Muscles not growing or gaining strength because you do the same exercise over and over without enough weight or resistance.
He only lifts 15 pound dumbbells. It's not wonder he suffers from the plateau effect.
by Vital Forces May 31, 2010
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Clothed Female, Naked Female.
This sorority video is great. It's some kind of CFNF hazing ritual.
by Vital Forces May 31, 2010
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