3 definitions by Vinny the Poohlet.

To unknowingly be in the extreme for an invalid reason. To err about a reason to be extreme.
Lee was extrermely proud of his son after thinking that he'd eaten all his vegetables. If only he'd known that the dog ate them.
by Vinny the Poohlet. June 13, 2012
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To be drunk, stoned, past your prime, etc, in a perpetual state of mind bogglingly organic bliss . Usually brought about from ingesting various substances after not shaving for 3 or more decades, the substances conglomerating in the facial hair and acting as an infinite supply of time released noxious fumes that permeate the nostrils 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Someone better take Wazza and put him to bed. He's been sniffing his own beard again. He's absolutely swazzaled.
by Vinny the Poohlet. December 16, 2011
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A medical condition that causes people to not realise they have a bladder problem in the middle of the dance floor. Exacerbated by the use of glow sticks, glow bracelets and other luminescent evening wear.
Take a look at Janet glowing over there on the dance floor making a runner for the powder room. She's so nincontinent.
by Vinny the Poohlet. December 9, 2011
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