1 definition by Vertumnus-1999

Pronunciation: Ver-tum-nus
Function: proper noun
Etymology: Roman/Pacific Northwest
Date: 300 BC with a res-erection in 1999
A Minor Roman God - Male - the God of Seasons, gardens and fruit trees; he is also a shapeshifter. In his later years he also became the God of cappuccino; currently resides in North America, in the Pacific Northwest; Handsome and witty; a mischievous God - not one of the mean Majors.
The Shaman journeyed long to seek the counsel of Vertumnus. When he arrived at the God's temple, he came upon a dozen of the God's temple maidens utterly spent. Sadly, Vertumnus had just left for the summer temple in the south only hours before. Thus the Shaman could not bask in the God's wisdom and presence.
by Vertumnus-1999 February 3, 2010
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